Lavender Crocheted Bouquet

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Meet the Creator: Marina Messura

This bouquet of lavender and tulips makes the perfect decoration for any home or dorm, and a wonderful gift for a friend or loved one! Made with acrylic yarn, this bouquet includes five lavenders and two tulips.

Shop the Marina Messura Collection

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Meet the Creator: Marina Messura

This bouquet of lavender and tulips makes the perfect decoration for any home or dorm, and a wonderful gift for a friend or loved one! Made with acrylic yarn, this bouquet includes five lavenders and two tulips.

Shop the Marina Messura Collection

Meet the Creator: Marina Messura

This bouquet of lavender and tulips makes the perfect decoration for any home or dorm, and a wonderful gift for a friend or loved one! Made with acrylic yarn, this bouquet includes five lavenders and two tulips.

Shop the Marina Messura Collection

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