Rose Bouquet Pendant


Meet the Creator: Sarah Novak

Inspired by a rose bouquet, this flower neckalce in shades of pink, white and red is perfect for Valentines Day, or just for someone who really loves pink! (And I mean, who doesn't?) As every pendant is handmade, each design varies slightly, so you know your necklace is unique. Each necklace has a 20 mm pendant made of polymer clay and comes with a 16 inch chain. Please contact for custom colors.

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Meet the Creator: Sarah Novak

Inspired by a rose bouquet, this flower neckalce in shades of pink, white and red is perfect for Valentines Day, or just for someone who really loves pink! (And I mean, who doesn't?) As every pendant is handmade, each design varies slightly, so you know your necklace is unique. Each necklace has a 20 mm pendant made of polymer clay and comes with a 16 inch chain. Please contact for custom colors.

Shop the Sarah Novak Collection

Meet the Creator: Sarah Novak

Inspired by a rose bouquet, this flower neckalce in shades of pink, white and red is perfect for Valentines Day, or just for someone who really loves pink! (And I mean, who doesn't?) As every pendant is handmade, each design varies slightly, so you know your necklace is unique. Each necklace has a 20 mm pendant made of polymer clay and comes with a 16 inch chain. Please contact for custom colors.

Shop the Sarah Novak Collection

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